Sunday, December 27, 2009

27th December

Spent a couple of hours at my cousin Line's place, together with René & Jannicke.
Was nice.
Got home, and the dog had shit all over the floor, with blood in it too.
Not so nice.

On my way to bed now, cause I have to work tomorrow, and possible get my dog checked at the Vet if he maybe ate something.
Since we started recycling he's been stealing shit out of the plastic/metall trashcan to lick it.
I guess that finally went wrong.
I should sue someone.
But I won't.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Boxing day

Today's "Boxing Day".
I managed to sleep in today, got up at 12.00.
I needed it.
My parents have been out most of the day shuffeling snow, we got half a meter the last 24 hours!
Can honestly say I DO NOT look forward to helping René with his paperrout next tuesday.

Just stuck my head out on the balcony to take a pic.

26th December Events

5 years ago, a Tsunami occured after a earthquake in the Indian Ocean,
and 230 000 people lost their lifes.

Friday, December 25, 2009

1st day of... boredom

So.. Today's the 1st day of christmas, and I am bored to death.
It's snowing like crazy outside, and nothing interesting on TV.
Last night, we celebrated christmas at my aunt & uncle's house, a total of 11 people.
I got a Necklace, Pink Ipod Nano, Money, Gift certificates (At the mall, for a manicure, and footmassage), Fantasy, Socks, Perfume, Face cream + Cleansing gel, Turtles, Candles, and Cookbooks!
Spent most of the day trying to figure out how my Ipod Nano works.
How hard could it be...?
Pretty damn hard! But I love it, and it's really cute!

René got a PS3, Tekken 6, Pes 2010, Fifa 2010, Need for speed, and Cod Modern Warfare 2. Money, gift certificate, socks, shoes, perfume, and probably more stuff that I've forgotten about already.
René spent most of the day playing different games on the PS3.
I played some Tekken 6 with him too, and now my left tumb looks like a banjo.
No more PS3 for me for a while.

Edited some typos, cause I'm dating a grammar nazi....

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Yay - Happy ending

Yay, last night in the bad weather, Rene's parents let scabie dog inside cause they felt bad for him.
While we've been here, we've given him a lot of baths, medicine for his wound on his chest.
We've bought him dog food and fattened the thin dog we met here 3 weeks ago up.
He's not afraid of people anymore, not even Rene's dad which he was terrified for when we got here. He's such a sweetheart.
Bought some dog food again for him today, and some biscuits and a tick/flea collar.
Rene's mom told me they're gonna have him castrated, aka yay scabie dog has a home!

Think scabie dog's name will be Barkie, which is what i have called him.
Hair has grown back on his chest.

Saturday 4th of July

Shitty weather today, yesterday we walked up the Hooiberg, when we got to the top it started raining like fuck.
Stopped again and we walked down.
Then around 21:00, the power went out and it started raining and lightning for hours.
Right before 01:00 we got the power back.
Only 2 days left here before we're going back to Norway.
Wish we'd have some nice weather.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Baghera - is FOUND

Title says more than enough.

Baghera - still missing

My cat Baghera is still missing, 3rd day now.
My parents have looked all around my neighbourhood and put missing posters in peoples mailboxes and hung them up at the stores etc.
I feel so helpless.
My little baby.
Tomorrow a missing add is coming in the newspaper.
I hope someone knows where he is, or have seen him.
This not knowing where he is, if he's dead, if he's trapped, whatever is driving me crazy.
And what if he is trapped inside somewhere, with no food, or water, in this heat, how long will he survive?

Mommy miss you Baggi, please come home.